First choose an event from the menu above

Scroll down to “Buy Tickets”

Enter the number of tickets.

Check the Cart

Pay by Card to get tickets right away.

OR transfer funds to our bank account

Call 01 001 930 121 to confirm payment has been made.

As soon as we see the bank transfer completed,

all the tickets will be sent in a single email.

Final check, then enter Card number, expiry date and CVC

If you choose Bank payment, you get a receipt for your order, but read the note at the bottom.

Tickets are emailed when you have finished paying by Card online

OR when we have checked and confirmed a Bank transfer by prior arrangement only.

E-tickets can be shown on your smartphone . The QR code will be scanned on entry.

The code is then no longer valid for re-entry.

[This ticket has been deliberately obscured to show on this Help page, with a red X and a grey “Not Valid” message]